最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 感知 5, 人物等級3
With this Perk, your character does more damage when using HtH or melee attacks. Each attack does +2 points of damage for each rank of this Perk.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 靈活 6, 力量 6, 人物等級3
This Perk increases 感知 by +3 in random encounters to determine how far away your character starts from hostile critters.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 感知 6, 人物等級3
With this Perk, your character gains an additional +50% to the number of 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) earned when reading educational books.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 智力 6, 人物等級3
Your character will be more likely to move before other characters in combat with this Perk. Each rank of this Perk will increase the Sequence statistic by +2.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 感知 6, 人物等級3
Characters with Faster Healing just plain heal faster. For each rank of this Perk, your character gains a +2 to the Healing Rate statistic.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 體力 6, 人物等級3
Each rank of this Perk will increase the number of Hit Points healed by the use of the 急救 or Doctor skills by 4-10 points. The second rank adds +8-20 points per use.
最高等級: 2
獲得條件: 感知 7, 靈活 6, 智力 5, 急救 40%, 人物等級3
This Perk confers great stamina and skill when doing the dirty.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 體力 5, 靈活 5, 人物等級3
Characters with this Perk can attract an additional party member.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 魅力 1-9, 人物等級3
Your character can see better in darkness when you select this Perk. This reduces the negative for attacking in low-light conditions.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 感知 6, 人物等級3
The initial reaction of NPCs are modified by +10% for each rank of this Perk.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 魅力 6, 人物等級3
The cost to access Inventory during combat is only two AP with this Perk.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 5, 人物等級3
Your character can now scout a little farther on the World Map. This will increase the amount of the map you can see while exploring and make finding the special random encounters a little easier.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 感知 7, 人物等級3
Each rank of this Perk will increase the number of options your character has while talking to NPCs. Basically, characters will be able to say things they would not normally be able to discuss due to their 智力.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 智力 4, 人物等級3
Your character is only half as likely to be knocked down in combat.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 力量 6, 人物等級3
Each rank of this Perk increases the Carry Weight statistic by 50 lbs.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 力量 6, 體力 6, 人物等級3
提高40 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) in the 野外求生 skill with this Perk.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 體力 6, 智力 6, 野外求生 40%, 人物等級3
Each rank of this Perk adds an additional +5% to your character’s experience point total whenever your character earns experience.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 智力 4, 人物等級3
A one-time bonus of +10 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) to 潛行, Lockpick, 偷竊 and Traps.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 人物等級3
額外技能名稱: 強(qiáng)悍過人
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 體力 6, 幸運(yùn) 6, 人物等級3
生命值低于一半的時(shí)候,力量增加1. This can raise your character’s 力量 to a maximum of 10. Lasts until the end of the current combat.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 力量 1 to 9, 人物等級6
For each rank of this Perk, your character can move an additional two hexes per turn of combat. The first hexes moved each turn cost no APs. At the first rank, your character would have to move three hexes just to be charged one AP. Bonus Move APs show up as yellow lights on the interface bar.
最高等級: 2
獲得條件: 靈活 5, 人物等級6
Your character does +2 points of damage per round fired with ranged weapons, for each rank of this Perk.
最高等級: 2
獲得條件: 靈活 6, 幸運(yùn) 6, 人物等級6
Every rank of this Perk will add +2 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) when your character gains an experience 等級.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 智力 6, 人物等級6
額外技能名稱: 神入
You will get a better idea of what to say when you are speaking to an NPC when your character has this Perk. The lines of dialogue will be colorcoded. It us up to you to figure out what the colors actually mean.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 感知 7, 智力 5, 人物等級6
Random encounters yield more money. Of course, you have to take it off the cold, dead bodies of your opponents.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 幸運(yùn) 8, 人物等級6
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 賭博50%, 人物等級6
In areas of darkness, or at night, characters with this Perk 提高+20% to their 潛行 skill.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 潛行 60%, 人物等級6
Your character’s innocent demeanor makes 偷竊ing from people a little easier.偷竊技能+40點(diǎn)(游戲里面是寫20點(diǎn)).
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 偷竊 50%, 道德 > 49, 人物等級6
For purposes of determining the maximum range of thrown weapons only, this Perk will increase 力量 by +2 for each rank.
2007-05-14 16:10
舉報(bào) |
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 人物等級6
Characters with this Perk cause more critical hits in combat. Each rank adds +5 to the Critical Chance statistic.
最高等級: 3
獲得條件: 幸運(yùn) 6, 人物等級6
This Perk gives a one-time bonus of +20 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) to Speech and 交易.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 交易 50%, Speech 50%, 人物等級6
Each rank of this Perk adds +50 lbs. to your character’s Carry Weight statistic.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 人物等級6
This Perk reduces your travel time on the World Map by 25% for each rank.
最高等級: 2
獲得條件: 體力 6, 野外求生 60%, 人物等級6
額外技能名稱: 輻射抵抗力
Each rank of this Perk increases the Radiation Resistance statistic of your character by +15%.
最高等級: 2
獲得條件: 體力 6, 智力 4, 人物等級6
This Perk adds +20 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) to 野外求生. It also makes finding special random encounters slightly easier.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 感知 6, 人物等級6
Your character becomes an adept salesman with this Perk. +40 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) to the 交易 skill.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 交易 50%, 人物等級6
This Perk allows characters to run and still 潛行.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 6, 潛行 50%, 人物等級6
This Perk adds +25% to the Poison Resistance statistic.
最高等級: 2
獲得條件: 體力 3, 人物等級6
The critical hits you cause in combat are more devastating. You 提高a +20% bonus on the critical hit table, almost ensuring that more damage will be done. This does not affect the chance to cause a critical hit.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 感知 6, 幸運(yùn) 6, 靈活 4, 人物等級9
額外技能名稱: 探險(xiǎn)家
This Perk will make it more likely that your character will run across strange and interesting random encounters.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 人物等級9
This Perk will lower the chance your character will be hit in combat by increasing the Armor Class by +5 per rank.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 6, 人物等級9
額外技能名稱: 馬上升級
With this Perk, your character gains one experience 人物等級immediately.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 人物等級9
Your Karma ran over someone’s Dogma. Karma is doubled for the purposes of dialogue and reactions.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 魅力 6, 人物等級9
Characters with this Perk are much less likely to set off traps.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 5, 幸運(yùn) 5, 人物等級9
This Perk makes your items more valuable when 交易ing.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 魅力 7, 交易 60%, 人物等級9
Picking this Perk will also make you select one of your current Traits to remove. You then get a chance to pick another Trait. Weird, huh?
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 人物等級9
When you select this Perk, there is a chance (30% + (2x 幸運(yùn))) that your character will 提高a temporary ally, but only in random encounters.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 幸運(yùn) 4, 人物等級9
For each rank of this Perk, increase 感知 by +2 for the purposes of determining the modifiers for range in combat.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 感知 7, 智力 6, 人物等級9
This Perk gives a one-time bonus of 40 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) to the Speech skill.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: Speech 50%, 人物等級9
Each rank of this Perk will add an additional Action Point to your character’s total number of APs that you can spend each combat turn.
最高等級: 2
獲得條件: 靈活 5, 人物等級12
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 魅力 1-9, 人物等級12
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 體力 1-9, 人物等級12
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 智力 1-9, 人物等級12
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 幸運(yùn) 1-9, 人物等級12
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 感知 1-9, 人物等級12
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 力量 1-9, 人物等級12
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 1-9, 人物等級12
額外技能名稱: 閃避徒手攻擊
If both item slots are empty, at the end of a combat turn, your character will 提高3 points of Armor Class for every unused Action Point (instead of the normal 1 unused AP = +1 point of AC.)
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 肉搏 75%, 人物等級12
額外技能名稱: 強(qiáng)韌生命力
Everytime your character gains a 等級, 提高an additional four Hit Points for each rank of this Perk. With two ranks of Lifegiver, that’s +8 HP each 等級!
最高等級: 2
獲得條件: 體力 4, 人物等級12
This Perk confers +20 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) to Doctor. Since characters with this Perk have greater knowledge of anatomy, they also do +5 points of damage with every attack to living creatures.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: Doctor 60%, 人物等級12
額外技能名稱: 神偷
This Perk gives a one-time bonus of 20 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) to the Lockpick and 偷竊 skills.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: Lockpick 50%, 偷竊 50%, 人物等級12
額外技能名稱: 醫(yī)學(xué)常識
This Perk gives a one-time bonus of 20 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) to 急救 and Doctor.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 急救 40% or Doctor 40%, 人物等級12
額外技能名稱: 維修大師
This Perk gives a one-time bonus of 20 技能點(diǎn)數(shù) to the Repair and Science skills.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: Repair 40% or Science 40%, 人物等級12
Pick an additional Tag skill.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 人物等級12
This Perk adds +3 to 力量 for weapon minimum 力量 checks.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 5, 人物等級12
Your character can make more hand-to-hand or melee style attacks per combat turn with this Perk. The AP cost to use a HtH or melee attack is reduced by one.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 6, 人物等級15
This Perk allows your character to shoot a little faster. Each ranged weapon attack costs one AP less to perform.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 7, 智力 6, 感知 6, 人物等級15
Characters with this Perk do not suffer the negative modifiers for facing and size that are normally associated with 偷竊.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 8, 偷竊 80%, 人物等級15
While 潛行ing, characters with this Perk do double damage using a HtH or melee attack if they can hit their opponent in the back.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 10, 潛行 80%, 肉搏 80%, 人物等級18
In HtH or melee combat, holders of this Perk do critical hits with a successful 幸運(yùn) roll.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 8, 力量 8, 肉搏 80%, 人物等級24
Your character will do a critical hit with a ranged weapon with a successful 幸運(yùn) roll and this Perk.
最高等級: 1
獲得條件: 靈活 8, 感知 8, 小型槍械 80%, 人物等級24