Knoll Light Factory預設 PS,AE,F(xiàn)C 都可以用。前提是你在PS或者AE,F(xiàn)C里安裝了Knoll Light Factory ,這個軟件。該插件提供了25種的光源與光暈效果,并提供及時預覽功能,方便我們觀看效果,另外此25種效果可互相搭配,并且可以將搭配好的效果儲存起來,下次可直接讀入使用,不須重新調(diào)配。
1.使用“燈光工廠預設”必須先安裝Knoll Light Factory;
2.Knoll Light Factory是一款插件,也就是濾鏡。在這里我只說PS,其他的沒用過。濾鏡怎么安裝,相信大家都會;
3.下面提供兩個Knoll Light Factory的下載,以2.0為例;
4.解壓2.0(文件很小,只有157K),得到一個Knoll Light Factory 2 PS文件夾,該文件夾中包含一個LightFactory.8bf,即濾鏡文件,和Custom Lenses文件夾,打開后者就可以看到所謂的“預設”文件了,后綴為lfp的;
6.將資源中的lfp文件復制到前面說的Custom Lenses文件夾中,“預設”的安裝就算完成了;
7.下面是濾鏡的安裝:將Knoll Light Factory 2 PS文件夾(看第4條),復制到PS的增效工具濾鏡中完成安裝;
8.使用時在Knoll Light Factory濾鏡命令中選“加載”,瀏覽找到相應的lfp文件就行了。
Stu Maschwitz’s Rebel Epic for Looks
Give Your DV Rebel-Style footage an Epic Film Look
Using Magic Bullet Looks and his serious color correction chops, Director Stu Maschwitz brings you a set of Looks Presets designed to you give your footage the look of a true Hollywood Epic film. This Guru Preset Pack comes with 25 Looks presets for simulating big-budget film styles, as well as several utility-based Looks presets for creating popular Hollywood film effects.
Get it HERE for just $69.
100 Breathtaking Flare Presets for Motion Graphics & Visual Effects
This collection of 100 Knoll flare presets makes it easy for you to add amazing cutting-edge visuals to film, still-imagery, music videos, motion graphics, and visual effects. If you’re looking to create fresh and exciting lighting effects that will stun your clients and audience alike, this essential addition to your Knoll Custom Lens Library is a must-have.
100 cutting-edge Flare Presets that will blow your audience away.
Works great for film, music videos, motion graphics, and visual effects.
Designed for use on both video and still imagery.
Add more versatility to your existing library of Knoll Custom Lenses.