PeacefulNights, Dangerous Caves
PeacefulNights, Dangerous Caves makeshostile mobs spawn only underground, where they belong!
Enjoystargazing, late-night construction sessions, and moon-lit walks on the beach.Rediscover the great outdoors with an overnight camping trip. Clean up thelitter of torches in your yard. Light your house with natural light during theday and let comforting darkness descend at night.
Butkeep your mines and basements lit, and beware of dark cave mouths when walkingat night. Monsters still spawn in dark tunnels and sneak out of cracks in theearth to terrorize unwary surface-dwellers.
但保持你的礦山和地下室點燃, 晚上走路時謹防黑暗的洞穴口。怪物仍在黑暗的隧道出生并且偷偷溜出地面裂縫恐嚇粗心的地表居民。
Howdoes it work?
Anextra check is added to the spawning rules in the Overworld that makes anyblock that can see the night sky directly, or is near an opening to the nightsky, a safe non-spawning location. The effect is that if it's a safe blockduring the day in the sunlight, it will be a safe block during the night too.If you use NEI's mob-spawn overlay, this means only blocks marked with a red Xare still legal spawning locations.
一個額外檢查被添加到添加到地面的生成規(guī)則中,使得直接可以看到夜空,或者是接近一個對外開放的夜空的任何方塊,成為一個安全的無出生點區(qū)域。效果是,如果白天在陽光下這是一個安全方塊,它也會在夜間是安全方塊。如果你使用NEI's mob-spawn overlay,(如果你有NEI,打開其mob-spawning(默認F7))這意味著只有標識一個紅X的方塊仍然是出生點區(qū)域。
Anexception is made for slime spawning, so that they can still spawn in swamps atnight. Nether and End spawning is unchanged.
Willthis interfere with my mob spawner?
Solong as your mob spawner works during the day, it will keep working at night.In fact, it may become more efficient at night since the nighttime surfacewon't be a legal spawning location anymore.
How doI get it?
Download PNDC version 0.1
Forge is required, naturally. Drop the .jarfile into your mods folder.
Willthere be bugs?
Oh,probably! Version 0.1 is the very first release, and bugs are to be expected ina brand-new mod. Please report any bugs you encounter here, and I'll get themfixed as soon as I can.
Whydid you make this?
BecauseI wanted to go for a long journey and camp under the stars beside my firepit inTerrafirmacraft, to properly enjoy the slow pace of Minecraft "life"in that mod, but still be truly terrified of the monsters that lurk underground(and in my poorly-lit malachite mine). Peaceful mode makes nights more, well,peaceful, but takes all the challenge out of exploring underground.
因為我想去長途旅行和在星空下緊靠我在Terrafirmacraft的火坑旁邊露營, 在這個“mod”里適當?shù)南硎躆inecraft緩慢的節(jié)奏,但仍然被潛藏地下(和我的昏暗孔雀石礦洞里)的怪物威脅。和平模式讓夜晚更加和平,但仍然可以進行探索地下的所有挑戰(zhàn)。
Also,it's always bothered me that monsters just "pop" into existence atnight. I've always felt like if they're creeping around at night, they shouldcome from somewhere, not just coalesce out of the darknessbefore my eyes. With this mod, now monsters never pop into existence where Ican see them?—?they're always coming from somewhere deeper in the tunnels aheadof my torches, or sneaking out of a dark hole to ambush me while I putteraround my night garden.
Can Iinclude it in a modpack?
Sincethis is the first release and there might still be show-stopping bugs, I preferto be asked before its included in a public modpack. But if you ask, I'llprobably say yes! (You don't need permission to use it in a private modpack, ofcourse.)
因為這是第一個版本,可能仍有驚人的錯誤,所以我更希望當這mod被使用在一個公開的整合包中前被詢問(獲取許可)。但是如果你詢問,我將可能會說,可以!( 當然你不需要許可來使用它當你把它使用在在一個私人整合包中)。
I planto give free permission to use it in modpacks once I'm confident that therearen't any major bugs, like Enderdragons failing to spawn orsomething ridiculous like that.
How isit licensed?
Licenseto be announced, as soon as I get my act together and put the source up onGithub, but it will be some variety of open-source license. Poke me if you'reimpatient and I haven't updated this section with license and links yet.
Last edited by eggdropsoap: Feb5, 2015
當我把我的行動總結,把資源上傳到Github上, 許可將被宣布,但它將有一些各種各樣的開源許可證。如果你不耐煩并且我還沒有更新這部分執(zhí)照和鏈接請戳我(應該是指給他私信)。
最后一次編輯eggdropsoap:Feb 5, 2015