PDF Power Tool是一個免費的程序,將讓你從數字化的命令行簽署PDF文件。所有你需要上手證書和PDF文件。如果你沒有一個真正的證書,那么我們就可以幫助您創(chuàng)建一個測試證書,你可以用它來測試我們的軟件的功能。
PdfPowerTool.exe [PARAMETERS]
Parameter Description
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
/INPUT File name of PDF document to sign.
/OUTPUT File name of resulting signed PDF document.
/SIGNCERTIFICATE File name of PFX certificate file.
/SIGNPASSWORD Password for certificate.
/SIGNCONTACT Name of contact.
/SIGNREASON Sign reason.
/SIGNLOCATION Sign location.
/SIGN Sign the PDF document.
/DISPLAYSIGNATURE Show a visible signatuer.
/SIGNPAGE Page to place visible signature on. Default is 1.
/SIGNLLX Lower left X coordinate for visible signature.
/SIGNLLY Lower left Y coordinate for visible signature.
/SIGNRUY Upper right X coordinate for visible signature.
/SIGNRUX Upper right Y coordinate for visible signature.
/RESPONSE File name of response file.
Sign a PDF document
Here is how to sign a PDF document with a visible signature on the first page.
PdfPowerTool.exe /INPUT mydocument.pdf /OUTPUT signed.pdf
Visible PDF signature
You can make the signature visible in the document with the /DISPLAYSIGNATURE command line switch.
PdfPowerTool.exe /INPUT mydocument.pdf /OUTPUT signed.pdf