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三星S6/S6 Edge root工具(PingPong Root)

1.0 安卓版
  • 三星S6/S6 Edge root工具(PingPong Root)1.0 安卓版
  • 軟件大小:3.5M
  • 更新時間:2015-05-11 21:34
  • 軟件語言:中文
  • 軟件廠商:
  • 軟件類別:國產(chǎn)軟件 / 免費軟件 / 系統(tǒng)工具
  • 軟件等級:4級
  • 應(yīng)用平臺:Android
  • 官方網(wǎng)站:http://elephantinaurance.com
  • 應(yīng)用備案:


三星S6/S6 Edge的root工具 PingPong Root。不同于其他刷機root,該工具不會刷入第三方Recovery,也就避免了觸發(fā)煩人的KNOX warranty bit從而影響保修。由于廣受用戶歡迎,僅僅發(fā)布一天就登上了XDA本周最佳app榜首。

該工具針對三星最新發(fā)布的旗艦Samsung Galaxy S6和S6 Edge,目前支持32個不同的ROM版本,包括國內(nèi)大部分國行和港行型號的ROM。該團隊還在持續(xù)維護這個工具,新的ROM會陸續(xù)加入。工具使用了同樣是該團隊成員memeda和wushi發(fā)現(xiàn)的漏洞CVE-2015-3636。該漏洞存在于Linux內(nèi)核,理論上可以在大部分安卓手機上觸發(fā),堪稱第二個towelroot。

目前該工具將著力于root最新發(fā)布的64位旗艦機型,對于32位機型,Keen團隊也解決了通用適配的問題。用戶可以關(guān)注和該團隊合作的KR團隊最新發(fā)布的KingRoot 4.0!


since manual switch is too complex and there are some compatibility issue of Kinguser, I'm making a SuperSU version now.
Note that due to the natural that SuperSU su doesn't ask for permission when SuperSU apk is missing, root will only happen when SuperSU apk has been installed. Read instrucitons below CAREFULLY!
0. Read Q&A section and BACKUP your data.
1. If you already have Kinguser installed please:

a. Open Kinguser, go to Settings -> Root authorization setting -> Remove Root permission. Click to remove root permission
b. Uninstall Kinguser

2. Download party_<ver>.7z.
3. Install pingpongroot.apk
4. It will automatically install SuperSU 2.46 for you. Follow the instructions on screen. You may need to enable unknown source for this step.

a. Once install is finished, click “Open" and run it once to "activate" it. It will prompt an error message (unless you already rooted) and exit automatically, bring you back to PingPong root.

5. Click "Download Data" button to update device data if you have Internet connection.
6. Open it and click "Get Root!" button
7. If prompted for app permissions, allow them and continue. If it reboots, just retry.
8. Once finished, please make sure to reboot.
9. You can uninstall PingPong root app once finished.

軟件標簽: root工具



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第 1 樓 四川省成都市 網(wǎng)友 客人 發(fā)表于: 2015/2/27 21:37:30
已經(jīng)i545升到5.0.1的朋友測試root(PingPong Root),據(jù)說是S6用的,無視BL,求測試545是否可用。

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