Miner Trip is a fun simulation game. You will become a successful man from a normal person step by step.Make a good plan; manage your mines, multiple play ways to experience a different game.Appoint a professional manager to automate the process, and then expand your business! Face the challenges; explore the best strategy of mining to earn cash as much as you can!What you need to do?Make the mine run with your intelligence! Just mine, transport, sell! The depth is very important. Everyone knows that the good staff is always hidden in the deepest!When you have the first selling, you can hire some capable managers to supervise the workers, then you just tap your finger, command them to work crazy in your mine, and bring more and more incomes.Be noticed that the managers are very smart; they may lazy when you are away!Features:●Automation workflow to increase the incomes●Even can get cashes when offline●Invest to get money or expand business to promote economic growth●Hire managers to mo
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